Once the package is received, you have 14 days to file a return. You then have an additional 14 days to send us the package. All requests that do not respect this deadline cannot be considered. This policy applies to all articles, may the be or not in discount.
To be eligible for return, the articles must be in perfect condition. They must be in the original packaging with the bill and sticker. All items that show signs of wearing, washing or deterioration will not be accepted and will be returned to the sender.
Please contact us through the contact form. Use subject: “Return – Your name”. If you are within the filing window, we will respond with instructions for shipping. We are starting up and therefore cannot afford to loose money on non-valid returns. You will be asked to make the initial payements. Keep the bill. When your return is approved, we will reimburse you the purchase and the shipping altogether.
We will inform you when we receive the package. If everything is approved by our team, you will be asked for shipping bill and we will arrange a wire transfer with the amount on the initial bill and the shipping fees. Count 72 hours after reception of package.